Jeff Hardison, Head of Product Marketing

Calendly Product Update – October 2023

AUTHOR: Jeff Hardison, Head of Product Marketing

We're excited to share some tips and new features to make scheduling easier and more productive.

Meet the Refreshed Calendly

We're always conducting customer research to help evolve our platform and make scheduling simple for individuals, teams, and enterprises. That’s why we’ve announced a refreshed Calendly user interface that will roll out over the coming months.

As we gradually roll out this new experience, you’ll eventually see a refreshed Calendly with a convenient sidebar for navigation and more intuitive event type and availability settings — that still have all the powerful scheduling capabilities you depend on.

In the words of our Head of Design, Jess Clark: “Millions of people rely on Calendly to make important connections every day. We’re excited to roll out an improved and intuitive scheduling experience that inspires customer confidence and productivity.”

Tip of the Day:
Sharing Your Calendly Link

“How should I share my scheduling link in a polite way?” is a question I often received about two years ago.

Fortunately, many of you shared excellent scheduling etiquette tips in this blog post and e-book.

In short, you suggested “opening the door for others first” by allowing the recipient to offer their availability – before you offer yours. For example, Calendly users can politely say:

“Feel free to share some dates/times, or you can choose from my Calendly here.”

Now, a new scheduling-etiquette question has emerged that the armchair sociologist in me loves:

“Doesn’t how I share my link depend on my role? If I’m trying to sell something, then don’t I need to be more polite than if I’m buying?"

So, here’s a scheduling-etiquette revision for those more nuanced situations:

If you’re doing the asking – e.g., you’re a salesperson asking for a meeting, a startup founder asking for funding, etc. – you’ll probably get better results if you ask for the recipient’s time first. “Feel free to share some dates/times, or you can choose from my Calendly here.”

If they’re doing the asking – e.g., you can authorize a purchase, you’re a startup investor, or they want to “pick your brain” – you can probably get away with a brief “Here’s my Calendly.”

Now, I’m one of those drivers at a four-way stop who says “No, you go,” so personally I think you should open the doors for others first regardless of your power position. You never know what can happen in life: Maybe that “asker” will someday graduate into an “answerer,” and they’ll appreciate your politeness on their way up.

AI Event: Refresh Your B2B Marketing Playbook

Trying to find ways your team can leverage artificial intelligence (AI) next year? You won’t want to miss our upcoming LinkedIn Live event.

The brightest marketing minds — Kevin Murray of Gong, Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing, and Jessica Gilmartin of Calendly — are coming together to share:

  • Insider tactics to help you seize new AI opportunities

  • Refreshed playbooks to grow and keep customers

  • How to use meetings strategically throughout the customer journey

Save the date for Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 9 a.m. PT. / noon ET.

If you don’t want to miss any AI updates, join our AI waitlist for early access, exclusive sneak peeks, and new content.

Learn More About Your Team With User Profiles

Behind every organization using Calendly is an account administrator working hard to get new users onboarded to the platform.

Admins on Standard plans (legacy Professional subscription plans) can now see a user’s account and event details in an easy-to-view profile so they can quickly identify who’s set up for scheduling success, and who needs a little support.

Additional Resources

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