Jeff Hardison Head of Product Marketing

Calendly Product Update – February 2024

AUTHOR: Jeff Hardison Head of Product Marketing

Tip of the Day: Multiple Event Types

Tip of the Day: Multiple Event Types

Don’t tell my boss, but I was a free-plan user of Calendly for a long time.

I finally upgraded to a paid plan for two reasons:

The “multiple Event Types” trend took me a while to truly understand. But this is the big unlock:

With your no-cost Calendly plan, you get one Event Type. Let’s say that’s a 30-minute meeting via Zoom

Well, what if I meet a heap of “pick your brain” people on LinkedIn that I’d rather “walk and talk” with on my phone for just 15 minutes? That’s another Event Type!

So, you might be thinking, “Is the value of multiple Event Types just to vary the length of the meeting and the location or communications medium?”

That’s what got me hooked, sure, but I soon realized the pros were varying up all of the additional rules for their availability.

For example, I send job recruits a special 30-minute meeting via Zoom Event Type that requires them to book between now and 10 days ahead.

Reason being, I was finding some job applicants were booking, like, three weeks from now, and I really wanted to hire them asap. Limiting how far in advance a recruit could book not only greatly sped up hiring, but it also helped secure some amazing teammates who had competing offers.

Also, I needed a fourth Event Type for collecting payments. I didn’t want to charge money of everyone I met with – only those who had offered to pay me for “brain picking.”

Be like customer Jason Choi, and try multiple Event Types on the Standard subscription plan or higher. Use some variations — and let me know your tips!

Integrations of the Month: Loom and Grammarly

Integrations of the Month: Loom and Grammarly

We have two new partner integrations we’re excited to share: Loom and Grammarly.

With Loom’s new Calendly integration, your viewers can set up a meeting with you while — or right after — watching your Loom video of you presenting. If you’re in sales or customer success and using Loom to communicate with customers via video message, you can now prompt them to schedule time with you as a follow up. Available for Loom Enterprise users.

Grammarly announced a Calendly integration as part of Grammarly “app actions,” which allows you to stay focused and reduce context switching by using AI writing assistance to pull up and share your Calendly availability wherever you’re writing. Grammarly's app actions includes other integrations from companies such as Asana, Monday, HubSpot, and Atlassian, too.

If you’re interested in learning more about reducing “app overload,” register for Grammarly’s webinar on March 5 where I’ll be joining leaders from Asana and HubSpot to discuss how we can stay more focused in our work.

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